Beauty | Re4Earth by Kear
Personal Care | Hygiene

A few words about
Re4Earth® Team
We are a team of young enthusiasts trying to make our planet a better place. We strongly believe that if every Earth citizen changed their small everyday habits, then all together we could make a big impact and save our home, Earth, which screams desperately for help.
Our motto? "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover."
We believe that these are the 4 "Re" we should adopt in our everyday life
so as to keep our Earth safe. These exact 4 pillars drive us as a team,
in order to accomplish our mission.
We are committed to follow this direction, not only by selling sustainable products but by supporting actions and organizations & connecting all of our revenue with donations.
See how we care here:
Let's not waste time and start making a difference by slightly changing our everyday routine.

"The greatest threat to our planet
is the belief that someone else will save it"
- Robert Swan